Well, since "no news, is good news" that means I passed the 3 hour glucose test. No Gestational diabetes for me! Friday, I saw my perinatologist. Finally, I've gotten some answers. My first appointment, I was told the doctor would get me in touch with a pediatrician, well I was told on Friday that I should search for my own. Well, that would have been nice weeks ago. Thanks. Just assume I know what I'm supposed to do. Never mind this is my first pregnancy. Well, Monday I'll be making phone calls. Once I know my pediatrician I can actually know which hospital I'll be delivering at.

At my growth ultra-sound I found out that she weighs 4 lbs, which means babygirl is growing just on schedule. It appears that her hernia is on her left side, pushing her heart to the right. However, her heart seems to have developed just fine regardless, but her left lung is underdeveloped. So far, the prognosis is looking good.


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